Ayurveda Detox – 5 Main Steps of Panchakarma

Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing sciences dated to about 5000 years ago. According to Ayurveda, the secret to health lies in the digestive system. The Ayurvedic word for digestion in Sanskrit is Agni (Fire). This digestive fire is responsible for all the transformation processes in the body which includes metabolism, nutrient absorption and elimination.

Be it physical or mental health, they are somehow related to Digestion. Scientific studies have also proven the connection between anxiety and digestion.

You can read more about Fermentation benefits here.

[Source: Fermentation]

According to Ayurveda, Depression is caused due to a slow digestion process. This can make you feel stuck and exhausted.

Anxiety on the other hand can be caused to flatulence or over presence of gas in the body which is again related to digestion.

Again,each of these imbalances pertains to a unique Dosha type.

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What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma in Sanskrit means 5 therapies. It’s one of the most important Detoxification process in Ayurveda. This elimination technique gives the body an intensive detox while balancing the 3 doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

In panchakarma, there are mainly two types of therapy :

  1. Pre – preparation (Purvakarma)
  2. Post- panchakarma

Pre-Panchakarma – This is the initial stage of Panchakarma therapy. In this stage, waste products from adipose tissues in the form of liquid. This liquification helps with movement of toxins towards the intestines which allows Panchakarma treatment to flush them out. This treatment includes a series of oil massage and herbal stem bath.

Post – Panchakarma – The majority of the long-term benefits gained from Panchakarma happen during the 3 months after treatment. After Panchakarma, your body is completely new like a phone after a factory reset. This therapy mainly focuses on the diet that needs to be followed after the treatment.

Panchakarma cleansing has 5 important steps that needs to be followed.

5 Important Steps followed in Panchakarma Cleanse

The main treatment is called Shodana and they follow 5 important steps.

  1. Vamana (Therapeutic Vomiting)
  2. Virechana (Purgation /Elimination)
  3. Basti (Enema)
  4. Nasya (Elimination of toxins through Nose)
  5. Rakta Moksha (Detoxification of Blood)

1. Vamana Shodana

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In this step, you will be inducing vomit under the supervision of a doctor. It is basically a controlled vomiting which means it is planned , induced and the vomiting is expected to run for a definite amount of time.

This karma is successfully used in treating Kapha disorders.

When kapha dosha increases, it causes certain diseases like the below:

  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Bronchitis
  • Anorexia
  • Drowsiness
  • Obesity
  • Goitre
  • Urticaria
  • Whiteness of urine, eyes, stools
  • Sweet taste in the mouth
  • Timidness
  • Lethargy
  • Heaviness
  • Hardening of Blood vessels
  • Excessive sleep
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Itching over body
  • Vomiting
  • Chronic Rhinitis

Since Kapha is present in the chest region, expelling it through the mouth is easy. But, if it has extended to other places in the body, then it needs to be expelled out from the body. By expelling out, the diseases get cured, often completely.

Advantages of Vaman

  1. Digestion and metabolism power is enhanced
  2. Normal health restored
  3. Helps in slowing down aging process
  4. Person gains strength, nourishment and immunity
  5. Improves chances of fertility,virility and sexual power.

2. Virechan

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This Shodana is used to balance Pitta dosha in the body. Virechana in Sanskrit means ‘laxative’. Virechana is a controlled process that gathers toxins from Pitta ruled locations in the body and concentrates it in the small intestine and then discharges it. In this process, a virechana drug is administered to the patient.

Purgatives help relieve the excess Pitta causing the bile disturbances in the body.

Diseases caused when Pitta is in excess:

  1. Burning Sensation
  2. Acid reflux
  3. Pyrosis (heartburn)
  4. Excessive temperature
  5. Profuse Sweating
  6. Bad body odor
  7. Cracking body ache
  8. Itching in the skin
  9. Green or yellow discoloration
  10. Herpes
  11. Excessive thirst
  12. Stomatitis
  13. Conjunctivitis
  14. Hemorrhage
  15. Fainting
  16. Dryness in mouth
  17. Fever
  18. Desire for cooling things
  19. Poisoning
  20. Vomiting
  21. Blindness, Cataract
  22. Dysuria, Constipation
  23. Diseases of male and female urogenital system
  24. Tumors of abdomen
  25. Piles

Advantages of Virechan

  1. Improves digestion
  2. Clears congestion from the liver and thus improves metabolism and fat digestion
  3. Relieves many gastrointestinal disorders
  4. Improves conditions of skin disorders
  5. Strengthen the muscles
  6. Nourish the skin
  7. Achieve a better circulatory system
  8. Management of weight

3. Basti

This shodana is mainly used to address Vata imbalance. Vata is the main cause of the manifestation of diseases. It is the main force behind the elimination and retention of urine, feces, bile, and other excreta.

Basti is referred to as half treatment for all health problems. Sometimes it is a complete treatment for all body ailments.  

Diseases of Vata are:

  1. Splitting of nails
  2. Cracking feet
  3. Pain in the feet
  4. Numbness in feet
  5. Stiff ankles
  6. Cramps in the calf muscles
  7. Sciatica
  8. Stiffness and fullness in thighs
  9. Pain and weakness in thighs
  10. Stiffness in penis
  11. Fullness in groin
  12. Pelvic pain
  13. Hard stools
  14. Abdominal distension with constipation
  15. Stiffness in the back
  16. Chest pain
  17. Pelvic pain
  18. Toothache
  19. Loose teeth
  20. Dampness
  21. An astringent taste in the mouth
  22. Eye pain
  23. Joint pain
  24. Pricking Chest pain
  25. Headaches
  26. Dandruff
  27. Facial paralysis
  28. Tremors
  29. Hiccups
  30. Yawning
  31. Unstable mind
  32. Insomnia
  33. Excessive talking

Basti Benefits

  1. Nourishes the eyes
  2. Prevents greying of hair
  3. Prevents premature aging
  4. Enhances color, complexion
  5. Improves strength, immunity, health and longevity

4. Nasya


Nasya in Sanskrit means ‘related to nose’. It is the door to consciousness. Nasya treatment works on disorders of ears, nose and throat. It is specially for diseases  of parts above the base of the neck. In this treatment, a specially prepared oil is dropped into the nostrils using a dropper. This oil penetrates the nasal passages to the mind, nervous system and to our very own consciousness.

Benefits of Nasya

  1. Removes toxins from neck, brain, eyes, nose and throat
  2. Cures nasal congestion, sinusitis and asthma
  3. Enhanced cerebral circulation, longevity and vitality
  4. Helps with allergies
  5. Insomnia and emotional stress
  6. Cures migraine and headache
  7. Prevent hair fall, premature hair greying

5. Raktha Moksha

This process translates to blood letting therapy. Toxins present in the gastro intestinal tract are absorbed into the blood and circulated throughout the body. In this case many recurring diseases are caused.

According to Ayurveda, Pitta is produced from the disintegrated red blood cells in the liver. So pitta and blood have a very close relationship. An increase in pitta may cause toxicity in blood hence bloodletting will help. Extracting a small amount of blood from a vein relieves the tension created by the pitta genic disorders. Certain substances such as sugar, salt, yogurt, sour-tasting foods and alcohol are toxic to the blood. 

Non-poisonous Leeches have also been used as an alternative to blood letting.

Rakhtamoksha is a very distinct Ayurvedic therapy that requires proper guidance from a highly trained and skillful Ayurvedic practitioner. One should consult with an Ayurvedic physician before proceeding with the therapy. Also, one must bear in mind that, this therapy cannot be performed on people with anasarca, anaemia, haemorrhoids and pregnant women. 

Benefits of Raktha Moksha

  1. Cures repeated skin disorders like urticaria, herpes, eczema, scabies, leukoderma, chronic itching or hives
  2. Helps with enlarged liver, spleen, and gout
  3. Safe and painless
  4. Anti-inflammatory effects
  5. Sudden pain relief
  6. Reduces veins congestion
  7. Prevent thrombosis
  8. Mainly used in varicose veins, nonhealing ulcers
  9. Diabetic foot

Frequently Asked Questions about Panchakarma

Q1. Does Panchakarma reduce weight?

Ans. For weight loss specifically, Panchakarma treatment time varies between 7 and 28 days. Since your body is undergoing a complete detox treatment, you can lose between 2-9kgs of weight, with slight variance based on BMI readings. Virechana and Basti are best suited for weight loss.

Q2. How often should you do Panchakarma?

Ans. Vedic texts recommend to do Panchakarma 3 to 4 times a year as per the season. Panchakarma performed in different seasons provide different benefits.

Q3. What is the cost of Panchakarma?

Ans. The cost at the lowest end will be anywhere between $145- $220 per day for a 14 day package, depending on the season. High end places like Kalari Kovilakam are upwards of $500/day.

Q4. How long does Panchakarma treatment take?

Ans. There is no universal package since it depends on the complete health profile of a patient. The treatment varies between 7 days and may last as long as 21 days.

Q5. What should we eat in Panchakarma?

Ans. The diet is strictly restricted to foods like hot and fresh Khichdi or Kitchari which is made out of Mung bean lentils and rice along with warm spices. There are some food restrictions like no consumption of non-vegetarian food, egg, dairy, processed food, coffee or alcohol. You may drink detox herbal teas.

Takeaway: If you face the above symptoms mentioned under each step of Panchakarma, it is never too late. Go find a certified Ayurvedic professional and get yourself healed naturally. If you are looking for an easy way to cleanse your body, then this detox recipe called Ayurvedic Khichdi Cleanse is for you. It just takes 3 days to detox your entire body!

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Leave a Reply
  1. Panchkarma has many health benefits and you have explained each & everything in very detail… This is very Informative article

  2. V well written, with such beautiful detailing, which I’m sure many might have read first time. It is really important to know all this. You have explained it all very well too.
    I find each of your blog a very interesting read.
    Please do keep writing for us to read !
    Thankyou !!

  3. I had heard a lot about panchkarma and it’s amazing healing benefits. Infact we had planned this too for my mom but somehow not executed . Your post is really informative and I had learnt a lot about different important aspect of this traditional ayurvedic therapy.

  4. I have personally had yoga classes and boy i fell in love with the benefits it had on my body. Nit a fitness enthusiast but yes i do believe in healthy living abd yoga is definitely a good option to achieve that.

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