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Spirulina – 6 Best Health Benefits

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in freshwater and environment like lakes, ponds, and rivers. It is nutrient-dense. It has high amounts of protein, but along with that, it comes with many health benefits. Researchers also consider it as a superfood because it has antioxidant and inflammation-fighting properties and the ability to help regulate the immune system.

Spirulina has between 55 and 70% protein (more than beef, chicken, and soybeans), 9 essential and 10 non-essential amino acids, as well as high levels of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), beta-carotene, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, phosphorus, nucleic acids RNA & DNA, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin, a pigment-protein complex that is found only in blue-green algae.

One of the most important advantages of Spirulina is Food security. It needs less water and land than livestock to produce protein and energy.

Spirulina is also an answer to Malnutrition

In an article published by the African news, they claim that it can correct the growing malnutrition in various African countries and other countries too. One gram per day can correct malnutrition in a small child in a few weeks. It is an easy growing plant that requires no to less amount of maintenance till harvest. Hence, it can be made available to the poor at a very low cost.

Various Sources of Spirulina

Spirulina is a spiral-shaped microalga that grows naturally in the wild in warm, freshwater lakes. Its deep blue-green color is what gives the water its greenish hue. Commercial produced Spirulina is cultivated and harvested in man-made reservoirs like Nutrex Hawaii and Earthrise, which cultivate spirulina in contained pools.

How to Eat Spirulina?

Spirulina is available commercially in two forms – Powder and tablets.

You can consume it by adding to your water or juice and drink it straight. You can also add it to your smoothie if you wish. With dishes becoming more creative, spirulina is found in desserts, brownies, or even energy balls which are often made out of coconuts, nuts, and other natural ingredients.

Recommended dosage : Generally 1-8 grams of spirulina is effective.

Top 6 Benefits Of Consuming Spirulina on a Regular Basis

1. Excellent Nutritional Background

Image by Anaïs CROUZET from Pixabay

Consuming spirulina is one way to supplement protein and vitamins in people’s diet Every 100 Grams of spirulina is packed with following nutritions:

  1. Calories: 290
  2. Total fat: 8 grams
  3. Cholesterol: 0 grams
  4. sodium: 1048 milligrams
  5. Potassium: 1363 milligrams
  6. Total carbohydrates: 24 grams
  7. Protein: 57 grams

This is also available in tablet, capsule and powder form, which makes it further easier to consume.

2. Monitors Child’s Growth

Because of its high nutritional background, spirulina makes an excellent friendly supplement for children in their growing age. It improves eyesight, helps build concentration, builds muscular growth and enhances tissue development. It also helps them in keeping up with their daily energy levels, since 1 gram of protein in spirulina gives the individual 4 kilocalories of energy, which it is loaded with.

Are you a teen trying to grow muscles? Check out the top tips for Teenage body building according to a certified nutritionist.

[Source: Teenager’s Guide to Muscle Building – 5 Important Steps]

3. Lowers Bad LDL and Triglyceride Levels

Two types of lipoproteins carry cholesterol to and from cells. One is low-density lipoprotein, or LDL. The other is high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. A test measures the amount of each type of cholesterol in your blood. LDL is one type of lipoprotein which carries cholesterol to and from cells in our body. LDL  low-density lipoprotein is bad cholesterol, which contributes to fatty buildups in arteries. This narrows the arteries leading to increased risk of heart attack, or even cardiac arrest.  

Whereas, HDL or high-density lipoproteins is a good cholesterol, which carries away LDL from the arteries back to the lever where it is broken and sent it out form the body. But HDL cholesterol doesn’t completely eliminate LDL cholesterol. Only one-third to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by HDL. And hence where spirulina comes into action where it can does the further removal of LDL or bad cholesterol from our by supporting our body to produce HDL because of its high protein content.

Whereas, triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body, which stores an excess amount of energy from our diet. When this combines with LDL it further increases the risk to encounter heart attack.

Here, spirulina can act as a remedy to lower the bad cholesterol in our body. Another study in people with high cholesterol determined that 1 gram of spirulina per day lowered triglycerides by 16.3% and “bad” LDL by 10.1%.

It helps to increase HDL or high-density lipoprotein, which helps in the easy transmission of fat from one part to another, making it regulate the fat content in our body.

4. Helps to Lose Weight

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Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

With the increasing exposure to fast food and unhealthy eating habits, obesity is an easy enemy for anyone. Obesity can cause many problems including various heart, bone problems and also increases risk of getting varicose veins.

[Source: What are Varicose Veins?]

Since spirulina is low in calories and high in proteins, it has antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties, suppresses appetite, boost fat mobilization and lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. Hence ultimately compounding to decrease in unwanted weight and making you healthy. You may not notice any significant chance in your body but if you take spirulina regularly then it can show you some fruitful results in your body.

5. Reduces Allergy Symptoms

When a person has allergies to pollen, dust or pets, the inside of their nose swell, this reaction is called allergic rhinitis. Some evidence shows that spirulina can help improve the symptoms of this condition. 

A study in 2013 shows that spirulina can relieve nasal inflammation and reduce histamine in the body.

6. Improves Mental Health

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Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Spirulina can treat mood disorders since it’s a rich source of tryptophan – an amino acid that supports serotonin production. People with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety have reduced levels of serotonin. Taking a supplement rich in tryptophan therefore plays a huge role in supporting mental health. The body uses tryptophan to help make melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, and serotonin is thought to help regulate appetite, sleep, mood, and pain.

Ashwagandha is another supplement that can naturally fight depression and anxiety effectively.

[Source : Ashwagandha Benefits]

A study made in 2018 shows that spirulina is an excellent and affordable source to treat various mental illnesses.


Spirulina may be contaminated with other toxic substances since it grows underwater. According to drweil, some blue-green algae contain toxins called as miscrocystins which are present at levels cinsidered unsafe. These toxins accumulate in the liver, where they can cause irreversible damage, especially in children who have been exposed to high levels.

Best Spirulina Brands to Buy in 2020

Wondering the best brands to buy? Don’t worry. We at top5listicle have curated the top brands available in India along with their pros and cons.

Check out the article here!

[Source: 8 Best Spirulina Brands in India]


Spirulina is a superfood which can be consumed by anyone, that may be from a child to an adult or even old people. It is affordable and easily available in the market. Since it is naturally loaded with many nutritional values and antioxidants, it makes it friendly for anyone to use it. Spirulina is a safe and effective superfood that is highly digestible, with no side effects. It does, however, contain iodine, so those allergic or sensitive to iodine should avoid taking it.

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Written by Vijay Mohan Srirangam

Vijay Mohan is a Post Graduate Civil Engineer, who is passionate about writing. He started writing stories from the age 10 but never published. Now he owns a website called where you get to read some interesting posts relating to various topics that are rarely spoken or discussed.
You can connect with him here:


Leave a Reply
  1. Wow !! I did not know about this at all….Spirulina….and it comes with so many benefits like monitoring child growth, helping in weight loss and allergies ! This is amazing ❤️.
    Very well written and so useful for everyone reading this ! Thankyou

  2. Your articles always introduce us to something new and something really healthy like who would have thought that even algae might have high rate of proteins in it❤️

  3. This is very informative page by top5lidticle ,they share a good amount of knowledge about health n beauty ❣️❣️❣️

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