
5 Best & Worst Teas for Menstrual Cramps

Manage Period Cramps Effectively At Home

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Not everybody is born the same. Some may have their periods come and go like a breeze and some have a tough time coping with menstrual cramps and other symptoms like bloating, mood swings, fatigue, and more.

A health study conducted by Harvard on 10,000 women found that around 80% of women experienced menstrual cramps followed by 63% of them experiencing bloating. Although menstrual cramps seem to be common amongst women, there are few women who experience intolerable pain that can hinder their day-to-day activities. This may be due to other underlying conditions like endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, hormone levels, and more.

The cause of why menstrual cramps occur is not fully understood. Typically, menstrual cramps occur due to a contraction in the uterus. If it contracts too tightly, it can press against the nearby blood vessels which briefly cuts off the oxygen supply to the uterus causing cramps.

The good news is menstrual cramps can be managed by sipping on some teas apart from the classic heating pads.

Read: 5 Natural Remedies for Irregular Periods that work

In this article, we will be looking at the best and worst teas for menstrual cramps.

5 Best Teas For Menstrual Cramps

1. Ginger Tea – Best Tea for Nausea and Bloating

Ginger is a warming herb or spice that has been found to be useful to manage menstrual cramps due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Research has found that Ginger can be used for managing pain in women during their periods. One study revealed the efficacy of ginger stating that it could be as effective as an NSAID(non anti-inflammatory steroidal drug).


Ginger Tea Key Benefits

  1. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  2. Effective and safe for managing nausea and vomiting
  3. Reduction of muscle pain due to intense physical activities
  4. Immunity boosting property

How to Make Ginger Tea for Menstrual Cramps


  1. 1/2 slice of Ginger or grated ginger
  2. 1 cup water
  3. Honey (optional)


  1. Boil 1/2 a cup of water in a saucepan and add the grated ginger to it
  2. Strain the contents and let it cool down a little
  3. You may opt to add honey if needed
  4. Drink this tea for relieving pain


Ginger tea is beneficial for menstrual cramps and reduces bleeding when 1/8th of ginger powder is taken three times a day during your periods.

2. Chamomile TeaBest Tea For Period Cramps and Bloating

Chamomile tea has gained recognition for its period cramp-relieving properties. The flower consists of antioxidants that can help calm abdominal discomfort and relieve periods of cramps.

A small study on 14 people found that drinking chamomile tea showed two compounds in urine – hippurate and glycine. Hippurate is the breakdown of a tea flavonoid that has infection-fighting properties while Glycine is a chemical that relieves muscle spasms which explains its effectiveness in managing period cramps.

chamomile tea for period cramps - top5listicle
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Chamomile Tea Key Benefits

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties
  2. Boosts immunity
  3. Particularly useful for lower abdomen cramps(primary dysmenorrhea)
  4. Mood-boosting and stress relieving properties
  5. Aids sleep

3. Fennel Tea – Best Tea for Premenstrual Syndrome and Menstrual Cramps

Fennel tea is highly beneficial for relieving bloating and regulating female hormones. The Mediterraneans have used fennels seeds for managing painful menstrual cramps. One disadvantage of having fennel tea is women bleed 10% more if they suffer from bleeding disorders. Fennel acts like an estrogen.

fennel tea for menstrual cramps - top 5 listicle

Fennel Tea Key Benefits

  1. Aid hormonal balance. Very useful in managing conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome & hyperthyroidism.
  2. Treats gastrointestinal problems like bloating and flatulence
  3. Fennel seeds can aid breast milk production in breastfeeding moms
  4. Increases the level of antioxidants in the body. This results in increased new cell turnover in turn fighting aging
  5.  Fennel seeds are rich in various vitamins like A, B-Complex, C, and D and, amino acids.

4. Cinnamon Tea – Best Tea for Period Cramps and Heavy Bleeding

Cinnamon has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help with relieving period cramps. Cinnamon water is also known to give you respite from heavy bleeding.

A study was conducted on 76 women who suffered from extreme period pain commonly known as primary dysmenorrhea. The results showed those who took cinnamon tea reported lessened period pain.

cinnamon tea for menstrual cramps - top 5 listicle
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Cinnamon Tea Key Benefits

  1. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals.
  2. Lowers inflammation
  3. Promote weight loss
  4. Anti-bacterial properties
  5. Improves blood flow to the pelvis

Cinnamon Tea Recipe for Menstrual Cramps


  1. 1/2 tsp Cinnamon stick
  2. 1 cup water


  1. Boil 1/2 a cup of water in a saucepan and add 1/2 cinnamon stick
  2. Drink this decoction 2 or 3 days before your periods’ start

5. Peppermint Tea – Best for Menstrual Cramps and Headaches

Peppermint is a refreshing drink that not just relieves menstrual cramps but is also a great mood booster. Peppermint consists of menthanol that improves the blood flow and provides a cooling sensation, easing pain.

The aroma of peppermint tea may also help relax the muscles and provide headache relief.

sliced lemon and kiwi in drink
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Peppermint Tea Key Benefits

  1. Acts as a muscle relaxant
  2. Peppermint has anti-bacterial properties
  3. Promotes sleep
  4. It may help relieve migraines and tension headaches due to its cooling effect
  5. Peppermint tea helps with bloating and nausea

6. Hibiscus Tea – Best Tea for regulating periods and managing period cramps

Hibiscus is not just good for your hair and skin but has been found to be useful for reducing painful menstrual cramps. Hibiscus tea is sweet in taste due to its nectar. Many people love to consume it for its crimson red color and taste.

Hibiscus flower tea is good for your periods because of its negligible levels of caffeine

a hibiscus tea
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Hibiscus Tea Key Benefits

  1. Hibiscus tea has analgesic properties that can help relax the muscles of the bladder and uterus in turn reducing painful menstrual cramps
  2. Helps lower blood sugar levels
  3. Improves gut health
  4. Hibiscus tea can also be used to lose weight.



Teas You Should Avoid During Your Period

1. Black Tea

Black tea has the highest amount of caffeine which may do more bad than good when you are menstruating. It is commonly called Assam Black tea.

Black Tea has been found to aggravate pre-menstrual symptoms like mood swings, reduction in sleep, cramping, and increased breast pain.

Black tea bad for periods - top5listicle
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Caffeine Content: 40-60mg

Properties of Black Tea When Not On Periods

  1. Black Tea has antioxidant properties that can help fight free radicals and decrease cell damage in the body
  2. The Flavonoids in black tea can benefit heart health.
  3. Black tea contains caffeine which is known to help improve focus

2. Oolong Tea

The high caffeine content in Oolong tea makes it a drink that is not to be consumed during your periods. It messes with the hormones and makes PMS worse similar to black tea.

Oolong tea - worst teas for periods - top5listicle
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Caffeine Content: 30-40mg

Properties of Oolong Tea When Not On Periods

  1. May improve heart health
  2. May aid in weight loss
  3. Oolong tea reduces cholesterol
  4. Studies have found that oolong tea may also be useful to reduce dark spots due to sun exposure

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Is green tea good for menstrual cramps?

Green tea is known to have higher levels of antioxidants in it thereby providing a lot of health benefits to us. Green tea is particularly helpful for periods because it can influence the hormone levels in our bodies. When green tea is consumed during menstruation, it lowers the caffeine content in our body which is known to meddle with our hormones and disrupt our hormones.

It is advised to drink 1-2 glasses of green tea during periods but not more than that.

Q) Is lemon ginger tea good for menstrual cramps?

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and lemon being a citrus fruit has high levels of vitamin C content. There is no thorough research concluding the efficacy of lemon ginger tea for period cramps. However, the two herbs are beneficial for health in other ways.

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It’s important to remember the above-listed teas shouldn’t be replaced with any medical treatments recommended by your doctor. If you do choose to use the above teas in your diet plan, make sure to first discuss it with your doctor.

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  1. These are very helpful tips Shweta. I always appreciate your efforts and detailed list that you date with us ❤️

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