
Top 5 Benefits of the Wonder Herb – Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha or the Indian Ginseng or Winter cherry (botanical name: Withania Somnifera) is a herb cultivated in dry parts of subtropical regions in India. Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Madhya Prades are the major Ashwagandha growing states in India. It’s roots and orange-red fruit plays an important role in Ayurveda, the traditional Medicine system native to India.

Origin of Ashwagandha

The word Ashwagandha means ‘odour of the horse’ in Sanskrit is referenced to the strong scent of the herb’s root similar to the smell emanating from the horse’s skin or it’s excreta.

According to  the Ayurvedic scholar ‘Punarvasu Atreya’, this wonder herb can be traced back to some 3000 or 4000 years ago.  Although indigenous to India, this herb is grown in other parts of the world including parts of Africa, The Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Top 5 magical health benefits of Ashwagandha

Natural Stress and Anxiety Buster:

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Everybody encounters stress occasionally and it is known to create a havoc with your mind and body.

Although their combination is not awfully bad when it occurs once in a while but when it starts interfering with your daily life, it’s a red flag!

Many people take medications like Xanax, sleeping pills etc. to treat anxiety but on a long term, these can prove to be dangerous.

What is Stress vs Anxiety vs Depression?

Stress: The feeling of stress can be triggered by events that can make you frustrated or nervous.

Anxiety:  It is a feeling of worry and unease.

Depression: According to Healthhub, Depression commonly happens to adults who find difficulty coping with certain life stressors like relationship issues, marital woes, financial difficulties, unemployment, life-threatening illnesses, or even personality can make a person prone to depression. Depression interferes with how you engage with people and day to day life. 

Ashwagandha is considered as a Natural adaptogen that helps to cope with daily stress and improves the quality of your sleep.

It also helps with boosting mood and memory which can help alleviate the symptoms of neurodegenerative and adrenal diseases like Parkinson’s, arthritis, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

According to a study conducted by University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Ashwagandha may help with fighting depression and anxiety symptoms in schizophrenia.

Increases Stamina and supports Reproductive System:

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Unlike coffee which gives you an instant euphoria, Ashwagandha provides you a rather steady and sustainable energy.

In India, Ashwagandha is prescribed for several ailments related to sexual wellness like general debility, impotence, lower sperm count, nervous exhaustion, aphrodisiac purposes like boosting libido.

Ashwagandha builds energy in anybody regardless of age or gender. This herb has been shown to significantly impact athletic performance by improving heart and lung capacity while increasing energy levels.

Ashwagandha is an excellent tonic for the reproductive system. It improves sexual potency and sperm production in men. For the women, it helps with hormonal imbalance caused due to dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and weakness.

Anti Aging effect

Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

Who likes to age? Nobody! One of the major reasons for pre-mature aging is Stress and since Ashwagandha is a natural stress buster, it has been known to improve longevity and quality of health.

The root is known to have both anti microbial and anti bacterial properties which protect the skin from infections or acne. It increases the collagen production in the body.

What is collagen?

According to Medical news today,Collagen is a protein that provides structure to much of your body. Endogenous collagen is a natural collagen , synthasized by the body. Exogenous collagen is synthetic. It comes from an outside source, such as supplements.

Why is collagen important?

Collagen act as protective coverings for delicate organs of the body, such as kidneys.

With age, the body produces less collagen. It has been observed that after a woman attains her menopause, collagen reduces drastically in the body leading to reduction of elasticity which is the main reason for wrinkles.

And, Ashwagandha helps with the increased production of collagen. One reason to add it into your daily regime!

For your daily dose of ashwagandha, checkout this recipe on how to make your very own Superfood Butter coffee for your breakfast.

Helps with increasing Muscle mass for Bodybuilding purposes:

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Research has shown that Ashwagandha helps in improving body composition and strength.

A study was conducted to determine the safe and effective usage of Ashwagandha , healthy men took about 750-1250mg of pulverized ashwagandha root per day for 30 days and they reported a gain in their muscle mass . Another study found that people who gained muscle mass doubled their reduction in body fat percentage.

Regenerate Nerve Cells:

According to Gaia, Ashwagandha aids our nervous system by bringing warmth, vitality, and strength. It is a nourishing tonic that supports the structure and function of the nervous system and it is also considered to be a neuro-supportive herb.

The regenerative effect this herb has on nerve cells makes it ideal for treating chronic muscle pain, fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

It both relaxes frayed nerves and tonifies the central nervous system to enhance tolerance to stress.

Looking for the best Ashwagandha brands in India or the United States, check this post where I have curated the best Ashwagandha brands here!

Side Effects of Ashwagandha :

As they say anything in excess is harmful. So is the case of any supplement.

According to, these are some possible side effects of Ashwagandha.

  • Upset stomach
  • Some people have reported Diarrhea
  • Vomiting is a possibility

Ashwagandha Interactions:

  • The herb has lowering blood sugar properties, hence people with existing problems related to blood pressure should be cautious
  • People suffering from ulcer in the stomach should be cautious taking this herb as this might cause irritation in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Use of this herb helps in increasing thyroid hormones, hence people with existing thyroid conditions such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism should be careful.
  • Pregnant women to be cautious using this product.


It’s important to remember that Ashwagandha shouldn’t replace any medical treatments recommended by your doctor. If you do choose to use the herb as part of your treatment plan, make sure to first discuss it with your doctor.

Recommended Article:

5 Best Ashwagandha Supplement Brands – 2020

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