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Pineapple Juice For Wisdom Teeth- Does It Really Work?

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One of the more common types of health problems is wisdom tooth pain due to one or multiple impacted teeth. This can cause a wide array of discomfort for people including bleeding gums, difficulty sleeping, jaw pain, and possibly even headaches.

Wisdom teeth are normally unwanted growths that form in the last two to three years of a person’s life. The primary function of wisdom teeth is to provide access for the bone to fuse together. This process allows permanent teeth to grow through them.

In order for this to occur, they must break through the jaw bone and allow themselves room to grow. This can also lead to severe pain if one or more impacted wisdom teeth are not removed before they erupt.

These types of problems can often be treated or alleviated with the use of surgery. One possible surgical procedure that works well to remove impacted teeth is wisdom tooth surgery. However, most people will opt to have less invasive procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions.

Can Pineapple Juice Help with Wisdom Teeth?

In addition to the actual discomfort, wisdom teeth infections can also cause swollen gums and other permanent dental problems such as periodontitis. Some people are concerned that because of the health problems associated with wisdom teeth, they should not eat foods such as pineapple juice.

Those with concerns about the effects of pineapple juice on wisdom teeth should note that this is a fruit juice, and is not known to cause any negative effects in healthy persons.

This is generally because pineapples are composed of calcium, vitamin K, magnesium, and many other nutrients that work to improve overall health.

Is Pineapple Juice Good For You?

Photo by Laker on

Pineapple juice is so nutritious that it’s been given the title “nature’s multi-vitamin.” Some say it’s better for a person’s health than orange juice, and one can only imagine that a large glass in the morning would give as many health benefits as taking a full vitamin supplement.

Some also claim pineapple juice is good for your brain because of the bromelain – when consumed, bromelain dissolves proteins and helps to digest food. Bromelain can be a powerful tool against inflammation and soreness, which can help people feel more relaxed, less tense, and generally happier.

Pineapple juice is considered good for the immune system because of vitamin C and it is also said to speed up the healing process in the body by boosting your metabolism. In some countries, pineapple juice is even used as a blood sugar stabilizer.

Pineapple juice has so many health benefits that some even claim it can reverse the aging process. There are also a lot of other benefits that can be attributed to pineapple juice such as helping with eye care, curing constipation, reducing blood pressure, and aiding in the digestion of food.

The main powers found in pineapple juice are vitamin C, bromelain, and potassium. Vitamin C promotes collagen production which keeps your skin elastic and smooth; bromelain breaks down proteins for digestion; and potassium is essential for proper heart function.

Pineapple juice is also a very powerful anti-inflammatory and has the ability to bring down a fever. For these reasons, it’s also useful in treating indigestion, gastric ulcers, migraines, and relieving arthritis pain.

Why Experts Now Say Not To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Photo by Cedric Fauntleroy on

Many people are nevertheless hesitant to remove their wisdom teeth as they’re often seen as a teenager’s rite of passage. However, now that more and more people are waiting until they are 21 or older to have their wisdom teeth removed, the idea of waiting is becoming less appealing.

Those who do wait until later in life sometimes find themselves regretting it and others may find out that the problem was not actually one that needed immediate attention.

The problem with many people who have their wisdom teeth removed is that they do so too early and even if the surgery is successful, many people have a lot of difficulties recovering from the procedure and dealing with either dry sockets or infections.

Another problem with removing wisdom teeth at a young age is that some patients try to ignore the pain for as long as possible and end up waiting until the pain is so unbearable that they are forced to see a doctor.

However, it may be better to wait until the wisdom teeth have grown and become infected. Reasons for this include the fact that dry sockets and infections do not happen all at once but over time; meaning that if one only waits a few months the chances of dealing with these complications are slim to none.

Also, when wisdom teeth are removed at too young of an age they are often underdeveloped, which can lead to many other problems in the future including gum disease.

The last reason to wait is that the treatment for wisdom teeth removal has grown more and more advanced in recent years. By waiting the patient can enjoy the best possible treatment without having to risk damaging the rest of their mouth by waiting too long.

Many people who have had their wisdom teeth removed in the past say that they feel no pain and are simply happy to have all 10 of them out of their mouth because they were removed earlier than anticipated.

Does Pineapple Juice Help Swelling?

Pineapple juice may help with swelling and pain in the body. Pineapple juices are rich in dietary fiber and contain antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. The fruit’s natural enzymes play a role in digestion that speeds up the absorption of nutrients while fighting inflammation.

While many fruits are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, pineapples rank among the highest as it has been shown to fight oxidative damage from free radicals in cells. This is due to its high levels of bromelain, an enzyme that acts as a natural anti-inflammatory due to its capability in breaking down and eliminating fibrin. The fibrin can lead to inflammation and swelling. If used regularly, pineapple juice can help reduce inflammation and even reduce the risk of heart disease.

The Vitamin C content provides an added benefit because it can help to build collagen that is needed by the body for tissue growth. Collagen is the protein found in tendons, ligaments, skin, and hair.
This helps to reduce painful or swollen joints.

The antioxidants present in the juice also play a role in fighting off free radicals, which can damage cells and cause inflammation. While it is well known that drinking water is a natural way to fight inflammation and boost hydration, pineapple juice can help to build collagen and reduce pain by helping to remove fibrin that can cause swelling attacks.

Can You Drink Water Before Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Oral surgeons generally go by the “fluid before surgery” philosophy, but it probably won’t be a problem to drink water up until your procedure. However, it’s always best to check with your surgeon about their specific policies and recommendations for this procedure.

Is Pineapple Juice Before Surgery Beneficial?

Essentially, the benefits of pineapple juice are largely anecdotal and based on folklore. There is no scientific research that shows that pineapple juice should be consumed before surgery, nor does it have any proven effect on surgery or healing.

Additionally, it is not because of any chemicals or enzymes found in pineapple juice that it could improve healing, just some natural sugars and vitamin C content in the juice.

However, there is one class of people that should consume pineapple juice before surgery – patients with a hyperuricemia disorder, otherwise known as gout.

Bromelain in pineapple Juice

Bromelain, also known as pineapple extract or vegetable enzyme preparations, has been used in various forms to promote health and well-being for thousands of years. However, recent research into bromelain’s potential therapeutic effects on various biological processes has brought this powerful plant extract to the forefront of modern medicine.

Bromelain is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes that are found in and on the surface of fresh pineapple. It was first extracted by enzyme expression using an enzyme-rich strain of pineapple plant, both in Europe and Japan. The resulting crude material has been used as a natural food additive in Asia and Europe since the early 1800s.

Bromelain contains a mixture of proteolytic enzymes: chymotrypsin, trypsin, and pepsin. Like other proteolytic enzyme systems found in nature, bromelain is an extraordinary digestive aid and may have anti-inflammatory effects in humans. It does this by digesting proteins in the foods we eat. This is especially apparent in the gastrointestinal tract where bromelain is highly concentrated. Bromelain also breaks down proteins within our own tissues which may be causing inflammation and pain.

The therapeutic effects of bromelain suggest it may be useful for a variety of human health issues, including stem cell mobilization, dental health, inflamed sports injuries, heavy metal toxicity, and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is pineapple juice acidic?

Yes, pineapple juice is extremely acidic with a pH of around 2-2.5. Pineapple juice is absolutely acidic; its pH is similar to vinegar. So, if you are wondering whether to add pineapple to your drink, negative: no need. Even more interestingly, since pineapple has a high water content, it can actually help moderate the acidity of other drinks. I am intrigued: when do you ever use water?

When does the swelling stop wisdom teeth?

Recovery from surgery to remove your wisdom tooth or teeth can take up to two weeks. You might experience the following during this time: swollen lips and cheeks, which will get better over the next few days; you can lessen the swelling by gently placing a cold cloth on your face.

First thing in the morning on an empty stomach is the ideal time to consume pineapple juice. When you consume pineapple juice on an empty stomach, your body is better able to absorb all of the nutrients.

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Shweta Raamanujam, Founder of Top5listicle & T5L Digital

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